It seems around the middle of the 4th season, the writing has just improved by leaps and bounds. After the whole "Lana is a witch that fights Kung-fu" episodes (which I kinda hated), the storyline just took off like crazy. Filler episodes became less frequent; less eps where some random powered nobody that Clark has to outsmart. And all of a sudden the main characters are becoming more of a main focus.
I loved how the theme of season 4 became identity. Lionel and Clark switch bodies, Lex splits into two people, Chloe gets taken over by a spirit, Clark gets amnesia. All of course are cliches, but it revealed a great deal about their characters. When Clark got amnesia, he still acted with morality. But hands-down, the best ep of the season was Onyx when Lex's evil half is separated. The evil half learns of Clark's powers and his weakness. Evil Lex offers Clark a chance to join together to rule the world. When Clark refuses, Evil Lex says something like "you will join me, or everyone you love will suffer!" and socks him with a kryptonite ring! I was like whoa whoa whoa dude. I even replayed it on my dvd player seconds later cuz it was such a dope scene.
Last night's ep was alright. Filler vampire halloween episode. The best part was when Clark talked about how he hated costumes. He said he loved the cape but hated the mask. Friggin awesome. Other than that... eh. Okay episode. But I love how Spike from Buffy is playing Brainiac. That's a great pick. I will never miss another episode again for that reason alone.
Dude I got Tivo SPECIFICALLY so that I never miss an episode of Smallville.
I agree, the past season and this one seem to be less about "meteor freak of the week" and more about the central characters. I don't, however, like the fact that they got rid of Pete Ross. They coulda done so much more with him. Besides, he gave the show some kind of diversity. Now, cast-wise, it's just like Yet Another All-White WB Show.
Do you read the Smallville spoilers?
FYI my favorite episodes, so far, are "Run", and "Aqua". Obviously you know why: guest appearances by other future superheroes. I really like the scene in "Aqua" where Aquaman asks Clark, "Hey maybe we should form a Junior Lifeguards Association or something", and Clark responds, "Oh I'm not quite ready for the JLA yet."
Also, Braniac as a university professor? Hmmm, doesn't sound like the Braniac I know.
Anyway, I just wanted to holla to a fellow Smallville fan. Feel free to sign my blog and stuff.
yo. if you're in the area, come to my birthday party. contact me somehow if you're interested.
Hi Jay,
Some racist retard posted underneath my comment here, you might want to delete those comments, thanks!
You and me both bro I looove me some smallville the Halloween ep was alright but the best part was Chloe in that school-girl outfit...grrr baby lol! Yeah the writing is much better and James Marsden as Braniac...BEAUTIFUL MAN! I can't wait
OMG! First of all, Avery is sooooooooooooo cute!! Second of all, can I have her??
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